Quickly Apply for SNAP Benefits in New York City (2025)

Posted on January 4, 2023January 10, 2023 by Fax Team

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) provides benefits to low-income individuals or families via Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. The card can be used as a debit card to pay for food in authorized retail food stores. The SNAP program has helped nearly 1.8 million low-income New Yorkers including families, people who are aging and people with disabilities. This article will tell you how to quickly apply for SNAP Benefits in NYC.

Ensure Your Eligibility Before SNAP Benefits Application

Before really applying for SNAP benefits in NYC, it’s required to guarantee your eligibility for its application. Citizens in NYC are able to know about their eligibility to apply for SNAP Benefits on the official websitewhere they are required to provide their basic information including:

  • The county they’re living in
  • Name
  • Age
  • Number of family members
  • Family members that are in pregnancy, disabled/blind, HIV/AIDS, or crime victims
  • Money, job income and other types of income
  • Resources

You will be asked to provide documents to verify the information on your application. If you want to save time, send images of your documents using the ACCESS HRA mobile app. You can also submit the copies of the documents with your application in person, or by mail or fax to the HRA.

Eligibility FactorSuggested DocumentationHelpful Tips
Must be established and documented for the person making the application.
1. Photo I.D., Driver’s License
2. U.S. Passport
3. Naturalization Certificate
3. Hospital/Doctor’s Records
4. Adoption Papers
5. Birth Certificate
6. Baptismal Certificate
7. Voter Registration Card
Any of these documents that lists the person’s date of birth can also be used to verify age. In addition, a U.S. Passport or Naturalization Certificate can also be used to verify citizenship if we ask you for proof.
Must prove that each person who is applying for SNAP benefits resides at the address listed on the application.
1. Current lease
2. Current rent receipt listing name and address of the renter
3. Statement from the Landlord or Primary Tenant Mortgage Records School Records
If a statement from the Landlord or Primary Tenant lists all the household members, it can also be used to document household composition.
Household Composition/Size Must provide verification of how many persons reside in the household.1. Statement from Non-Relative Landlord
2. Statement from Community Organization
3. Statement from Non-Household Member
Statement should contain the names of all persons in the household and can also be used to prove residence.
Must provide verification of age for all persons applying for SNAP benefits.
1. Birth Certificate
2. Baptismal Certificate
A birth certificate can also be used to establish and document identity and citizenship status.
Social Security Number
Must provide a Social Security number for each person in your household who is applying for SNAP benefits, or proof that one has been applied for.
1. Social Security Card
2. Official correspondence from the Social Security Administration (SSA)
If you give us the Social Security number for each person in your household, you do not need to provide a Social Security card.
Citizenship must be documented only if it is questionable.
1. Birth Certificate
2. Hospital Records
3. U.S. Passport
4. Military Service Records
5. Naturalization Certificate
Birth certificates, hospital records, U.S. passports and Naturalization Certificate can also be used to prove identity and age.
Immigration Status
Immigration status must be documented for noncitizens applying for SNAP benefits.
1. USCIS Documentation (for example, a green card stamped visa)
2. Evidence of continuous residence in the U.S. since prior to 1/1/72
Earned Income
If any of the household members
applying for SNAP benefits are
employed, the gross earnings (before
any deductions), frequency and
number of hours worked must be
1. Current pay stubs
2. Pay envelopes
3. Letter from employer listing gross earnings, frequency, and number of hours worked
4. Current income tax returns
5. If self-employed –records and related materials concerning earnings and expenses
You should verify the income you received in the last 30 days.
Unearned Income
If any of the household members applying for SNAP benefits are in receipt of unearned income, the type of income, amount, and frequency must be documented
1. Statement from Family Court
2. Current Award letter
3. Official correspondence from SSA
4. Official correspondence from the Veterans Administration
5. Current benefit check or stub
6. Statement from bank or credit union
7. Statement from person providing support
8. Unemployment Insurance Benefit (UIB) statement
If you or someone in your household is in receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) no verification of SSI is required.
Resources do not affect the eligibility of most households applying for SNAP benefits. However, some resource information is used to determine if you qualify for expedited processing of your SNAP application.
1. Current bank or credit union records
2. Stock/bond certificate
3. Statement from a financial institution
4. Burial plot agreement or deed
5. Property deed and/or appraisal
6. Life insurance
7. Vehicle registration/title
If you have resources but are not sure whether or not you are required to verify them, provide the verification. If you are required to verify resources, we will not have to wait in order to make an eligibility
Disabled/Incapacitated1. Current SSA/SSI benefits statement
2. Signed and dated letter from Doctor or Medical professionals, including a contact phone number
Referral1. Signed and dated letter or statement from provider of treatment with contact phone number, hours, and days of treatment
2. Signed and dated letter from employment service program, including contact person and phone number
School Attendance
Affects work registration and earnings of children under 18.
1. Current School records (report card or school letter)
2. W-700E School Attendance Verification Letter
3. Letter or current school records from a College, University, or Institution of Higher Learning
Shelter and/or Utility Expenses1. Current rent receipt
2. Current lease
3. Mortgage book/records
4. Property and school tax records
5. Landlord statement
6. Sewer and water bills
7. Homeowner’s insurance records
8. Fuel bills
9. Non-heating utility bills
10. Telephone bills
As long as a household can establish that they have a shelter expense, credit for paying rent/mortgage and/or utilities will be given even if the household is not currently keeping up with the payments.
Medical Bills
This is only for elderly or disabled persons who incur this expense.
1. Copies of medical bills (paid and
2. Provider statement of Health Insurance Premiums
3. Medicare Prescription Drug Card
This refers to medical expenses that persons pay for out-of-pocket.
Do not include
documentation for any
bills that are paid or
supposed to be paid by
someone not in the
Health Insurance1. Insurance Policy or Insurance Card
2. Statement from insurance provider of coverage, including health insurance premium
3. Medicare award letter
Dependent Care Cost/ Other Expenses1. Court order
2. Statement from day care center or other child care provider
3. Statement from aide or attendant
4. Canceled checks or receipts

A Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for SNAP Benefits in NYC

NYC citizens are allowed to apply for SNAP through three ways, online, in person and in writing.


Apply online on ACCESS HRA.

In Person

Drop off your application documents at one of the SNAP centers or a participating community based organization.

This method for SNAP application isn’t suggested during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Fax or Mail

Fax an application to MARU at 917-639-1111 or mail it to PO BOX 29197 Brooklyn, NY 11201.

You can call HRA Infoline at 718-557-1399 to get an application, pick an application up from any SNAP center, or download an application form online.

This is the quickest and easiest way during the special time of pandemics.

How Long Does It Take to Get Benefits in NYC?

After filing an application, you can call 718-762-7669 anytime between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday, for an “on-demand” interview.

If you are eligible, you will receive your benefits within 30 days. If you qualify for expedited processing and are eligible for benefits, you may receive emergency benefits within 5 days.

How to Apply for SNAP Benefits in NYC from a Phone

It’s the easiest to apply for SNAP or other programs when a smartphone is used. FAX app is capable of changing a phone into a fax machine allowing users to fill, sign and send SNAP application form anytime and anywhere.

Step 1. Download FAX appand install it on your device, iOS or Android.

Step 2. Finish filling your SNAP application form and scan it with the webcam on your phone.

Step 3. Sign your SNAP application form, add a cover sheet, edit and preview your fax document.

Step 4. Fill in the fax number 1-800-342-3009and tap the “Send” button to complete faxing.

SNAP Benefits Application in NYC Contact Information

Fax to

  • 1-800-342-3009

Official Website

Related Articles:

  • A Quick Guide to Apply for SNAP Benefits in Oklahoma
  • A Quick Guide to Apply for CalFresh Benefits in California
  • A Quick Guide to Apply for SNAP Benefits in Michigan
Quickly Apply for SNAP Benefits in New York City (2025)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.