1. Script for a broadcast, 'The district nurse'., March 1950. | Archives ...
Scripts of Kathleen Fidler for a broadcast, 'The district nurse'., 1950. Script for a broadcast, 'The district nurse'., March 1950. Dates. Creation: March ...
Script for a broadcast, 'The district nurse'., March 1950., Acc.8078/656. Literary papers, including manuscripts, typescripts, radio scripts and correspondence of Kathleen Annie Fidler., Acc.8078/1-880. Archives and Manuscripts.
2. [PDF] District nursing video transcript Emma Lea - NHS Health Careers
District nursing video transcript. Emma Lea: District nursing is extremely varied; we look after house-bound patients attached to GP practices. We look after ...
3. Transcript - district nursing video - NHS Health Careers
Transcript for our film on careers in district nursing. Printer-friendly version · PDF version · Login to Bookmark. Make a comment or report a problem with ...
This form is for you to tell us about something that could be improved about the website or if there's anything wrong, incorrect or inaccurate with what you see.
4. [PDF] Illness scripts in nursing: Directed content analysis
Aims: To explore the possible extension of the illness script theory used in medicine to the nursing context. Design: A qualitative interview study. Methods: ...
5. Watch District Nurse online - BFI Player
Never a dull moment for a rural district nurse in the early days of the NHS. Government sponsored film 1952 27 mins. Watch for free.
Never a dull moment for a rural district nurse in the early days of the NHS.

6. District nursing using neighbourhood care principles in practice: reflecting ...
2 nov 2022 · We are nurses who worked in one such pilot that used an adapted Buurtzorg model called neighbourhood nursing using neighbourhood care principles.
The Buurtzorg organisation uses a two-pronged approach to improve patient and staff experience. The first principle is a patient-centred model of care, described as the onion model with the patient at the heart, which delivers health and social care services by the same community nursing team.

7. Illness scripts in nursing: Directed content analysis - PMC
11 aug 2021 · To explore the possible extension of the illness script theory used in medicine to the nursing context. A qualitative interview study.
To explore the possible extension of the illness script theory used in medicine to the nursing context. A qualitative interview study. The study was conducted between September 2019 and March 2020. Expert nurses were asked to think aloud about 20 ...

8. Watch The District Nurse online - BFI Player
An indefatigable district nurse crisscrosses her rural patch to tend to the sick at home and on the farm. Government sponsored film 1942 12 mins. Watch for free.
An indefatigable district nurse crisscrosses her rural patch to tend to the sick at home and on the farm.

9. Community Nursing vs. District Nursing: Key Differences - Mylocum
Under district nursing, a general nurse is registered who is destined to join the primary healthcare teams with leaders. They do their job without indulging in ...
In this article, you will know about the differences between these Community Nursing in terms of their job roles.